Providing a Beacon of Hope to Those Struggling Financially
Kupath Ezrah is guided by the Gedolim of Monsey to comply with all halachos of a community's kupath tzedakah. We have been endorsed by all the Rabbanim of Rockland County. The big luminaries, Rabbi Yaakov Kaminetzky zt"l , and Rabbi Moshe Neuschloss zt"l, as well as Rabbi Mordechai Schwab zt"l, were all staunch supporters of this organization. In accordance to the Shulchan Orach, one is obligated to give tzedakah to aniyei ircha, the poor of your city, before giving to others. Kupath Ezrah is a prime example of tzedakah "by the people, for the people", servicing every segment of Rockland County.